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Google: Tech's discriminator in chief?

When financial types describe Google's growth juggernaut they routinely say that 99% of Google's revenues come from search advertising. Remarkably they have turned search advertising from nothing 8 years ago to a roughly $10 billion a year business. Truly extraordinary. But how did they do it? Through economic discrimination, the highest bidder wins. Basic market forces.

So what's my point? Google's entire business model is based on discriminating against websites -- what they say net neutrality is needed to prevent. 

  • Google implores Congress to not allow broadband companies to discriminate against any website or content based on how much they pay.
    • Google's highly successful economic discrimination business model should be illegal for Google's potential broadband competitiors. 
  • Does the little guy have a chance to outbid the big guys to get their business on Google's  first page of search results or will they be relegated to the "second tier" page where few ever tread?
  • Google's hypocrisy and competition double standard is especially galling, becuase Google has comparable market share in their market as DSL or cable providers have in their market.
  • Shouldn't what is good for the Google be good for the gander? Market forces for one, market forces for all?