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More evidence of Google's systematic theft

The body of evidence from mainstream sources that Google systematically steals other's property continues to pile up.

    • " Inc. complained Sunday that the new software appeared to copy material from Sohu's Sogou search engine." "In a statement, Google acknowledged that web surfers have pointed out that some material came from "non-Google data sources." ... Google said: "We are willing to face up to our mistake and willing and offer an apology to users and the Sohu company"
    • While that may sound nice, the article also clearly referred to Google's lack of transparency on these types of issues:
      • Google "gave no indication of what it did, how much was from other sources or how it was included in the new tool."... A Google "spokeswoman said she had no additional information."
    • It is standard operating procedure for Google not to be transparent. Their secrecy is legion and does not inspire trust.

So Google supporters are probably asking "so what?"

 Bottom line: Google likes to brag about its culture of pursuing "innovation without permission."

  • Its just a fancy phrase for a business approach which tolerates and glamourizes trespass and theft to turn a buck.