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Google jet's special NASA parking privileges -- Where's NASA's Inspector General on this? of San Jose posted an interesting reminder about Google's unique, highly suspect, and special deal with NASA, in which Google's founders get special parking privileges for their 767 "party plane" at NASA's Moffet Field, which is conveniently located just seven miles from Google's Silicon Valley headquarters.

Where is NASA's Inspector General on this?

  • Now that NASA is a 767 parking garage for billionaires, why did NASA sole source the privilege to just Google?
    • Why was their not an "open auction" for this highly valued Government property?
    • Why didn't the American taxpayer get top dollar for this property?   
  • What about the other needy Silicon Valley billionaires who have to suffer from longer multi-minute commutes from farther commercial airports?
    • How is this "two tier" jet parking policy fair?
    • Why is NASA discriminating against non-Google dotcom billionaires?
    • It appears that a Google-NASA cabal is blocking others from parking at Moffet field, degrading innocent billionaires potential commute times and impairing the potential benefit to the American taxpayer.

Hello? Is anyone home in the NASA Inspector General's office?

  • Is anyone in Congress responsible for oversight of NASA concerned about the obvious actual and perceived impropriety of this unique closed commercial side deal?