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Great new flash video on Exaflood -- net nuetrality misses forest for trees

The Fiber to the Home Council has produced a great new flash video highlighting the "Exaflood" of data that is literally flooding the Internet requiring it to be upgraded.

  • Don't miss this four-minute, very-informative flash video.
  • It helps the average person to make sense of all the changes on the Internet and how they all add up to one big thing:
    • that Internet capacity needs to increase BIG TIME and fast!

Its a great problem to have.

  • The need to constantly upgrade, build-up and build-out the Internet is a great testament to the Internet's ever-increasing value and dynamism in everyone's lives; and it is also a testament to the competitiveness of everything Internet.
  • Anything good deserves investment to protect it and improve it.

Why I like the flash video so much is that it persuasively spotlights how vibrant and healthy the Internet is today.

  • Net neutrality proponents are really missing the boat here.
  • They are hysterical that the only big Internet issue is net neutrality -- preemptively solving a non-existent problem.

If net neutrality proponents were more responsible they would also be focused on solving real (not hypotheical)  ongoing problems that are critical to every user every day, which is how to increase the Internet's capacity so that it can continue to operate as it has or better.

The Bottom line: Net neutrality proponents are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.