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Could "Fritter" be a Twitter-killer in the web 2.0 "ecommony?"

What is likely to be the next Twitter, the hot micro-blogging web 2.0 app/phenomenon that lets Twitterers "tweet" to the world what they are doing at any given moment?

  • To answer that important forward-looking question we need to extrapolate where current Web 2.0 social networking trends are taking us.

First, since Twitter only allows micro-messages of 140 characters or less (the length of my first sentence), the big trend must be "less is more."

This gave me an idea for a new Web 2.0 killer app: "Fritter."

  • Since microblogging's 140 characters will quickly get to be too much information (TMI) "Fritter" would be the antidote to all that effort and information overload.
    • "Fritter" would be the first nano-blogging web 2.0 application and would be limited to only 14 characters -- 90% less than Twitter's excess.
    • "Fritter" would only allow acronyms -- no annoying real words which are "so yesterday" so old media, so slow.
  • Rather than Twitter's central question for being: "What am I doing?", "Fritter's" central question for being would be: "What are my random thoughts?"
    • Rather than "tweeting" what you were doing you could be "frittering" your time away sharing your random thoughts with the world.
    • It would powerfully tap into the currently uptapped market of unrecorded personal "utterances," those thoughts you currently mumble to yourself under your breath, but now "Fritter" technology would allow you to share, search, and mash-up to ones utter delight.
      • It would unleash "the wisdom of utterances" and "multitude-sourcing" for the first time.
      • Potential authors would even ask: "What would Fritter do?"

Second, "Fritter" would be an innovation leader because it would be an Open Mouth application, there would be no discrimination on embedding the edge device as a: tooth filling, piercing, bluetooth earpiece or cerebral implant.

  • The disruptive innovation here is that lists would be dead. Pencils, scrap paper, napkins, PDAs, smartphones -- all toast. Nothing else will be needed because "Fritter" would be a cloud service where your every utterance would be stored, organized, and be immediately searchable.
    • Think of it as your brain in the clouds.  
  • There never would be the need for another list again, because as an open mouth app, "Fritter" would become the platform of choice for thousands of app developers to share/remix all the creative random thoughts and utterances of every citizen in real time.
  • Fritterers could use "Fritter" analytics and find out what the most popular random thoughts people were having and then train themselves to think only those most popular thoughts -- so they could be popular too. 
  • The unfettered freedom to share one's random thoughts and fleeting mumbled utterances would fully harness the power the Internet "conversation," the digital "long tail" market, and the new "economics of abundance" -- all at the same time!
  • And combining mumbled "utterances" with "mesh" networks would enable brain "mushing" -- a whole new creative Web 2.0 remix.

Third, since Twitter and many Web 2.0 apps have no business models, Fritter could be highly disruptive by actually having a business model in mind before it launches.

  • The business value of "Fritter" would be that the service would turn people into human GPS nodes able to be tracked whenever their brain synapses fired, or tongues wagged.
  • By signing up for the service, the user would cede complete and total ownership rights in perpetuity for any synaptic brain activity or any verbal untterance, mumble or grunt that "Fritter" could capture directly or through other tracking apps, including any derivative insight from combining any collected private or personally identifiable information of the multitudes. 
  • Not only could "Fritter" be a Twitter-killer, but a search-killer too, as these random thoughts/utterances would be more valuable than searches as they would be "pre-intentional" and enable the creation of a "database of intended intentions." This primordial collective intelligence of the "Fritter's" crowd of intentions would enable two powerful monetization engines.
    • One monetization engine is that "Fritter" could have an advertiser auction of the crowd's pre-intentional random thoughts and utterances before they are converted into a search, so that Fritter could target perfectly-relevant ads to an individual user -- before a "Fritterer" actually searches in a search engine.
    • Another more powerful monetization engine could be that Fritter could send a short 14 character-or-less message immediately back to the Fritter user in real time -- either by text, audio or direct synaptic connection -- that would respond to random thoughts and utterances with 14 character messages like:
      • Buy that now!
      • It's a deal!
      • You need it!
      • Don't worry!

Fritter could be so disruptive a Web 2.0 innovation, there might not be a need for any other app -- ever.