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FreePress Continues to Divide Not Unite

FreePress' campaign director, Tim Karr, continues to overuse its main political tactic of demonizing anyone that disagrees with FreePress' goal of ridding the world of free market capitalism and property ownership.

FreePress' play book is all about the politicization of issues -- dividing people, not uniting them.

  • In "Astroturfing Net Neutrality" FreePress continues to demonize broadband companies with the nonsensical charge that it somehow is in communications companies' interest to not allow their customers to communicate the way they want to communicate.
  • And FreePress continues its anti-democratic tactic of shouting down anyone that disagrees with their point of view by demonizing them as unprincipled astroturf for sale or shills for business.
  • Nowhere in FreePress' perverse concept of democracy is there room for political alliances of views opposed to FreePress' views, based on shared values or interests.
    • To FreePress if anyone supports free markets or property rights they are evil capitalists or capitalist sympathizers.
    • In FreePress' world no dissent from their dogma is tolerated; it will be attacked.
  • FreePress knows by focusing almost entirely on ad hominem attacks, FreePress can divert attention from the reality that they don't have facts, evidence or merit on their side, only the politics of demonization.

The problem for everyone else, is that FreePress' politicization strategy on net neutrality and mergers largely has set the tone for overall Internet and communications policy making.

Simply, FreePress is poisoning the well of the policy making process.

  • Up until FreePress injected its politics of demonization into the overall political process, and perfected it, major Internet/communications policy like the 1996 Telecom Act and the repeated Internet Tax Moratoriums were overwhelmingly bipartisan and relatively non-controversial.

If FreePress was sincere in wanting to "Save the Internet," and not advancing its anti-business, anti-property agenda, it wouldn't be dividing the Nation over Internet policy, but trying to unite it.

The Internet policy mess we are in, where a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted 240-179 against the FCC's controversial Open Internet rules, and the Senate has the potential to do so this summer, is an ominious proof point that -- FreePress' multi-year campaign to preemptively regulate the Internet based on its bogus demonization threat -- has divided the Nation not united it.

  • Long term, the FreePress-ization of Internet politics serves no ones' interests save for the radical anti-business, anti-property sliver of America that FreePress agitates for.